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July 3, 2024
Rob Aslett

Special Interest Group on AI/ML in EDA Picks up Steam

The AI/ML in EDA SIG explores how best to apply AI for chip design, help identify technical standards opportunities, and recommend high-value prototype projects with the goal of supplementing proprietary EDA efforts by providing standards and sharable capabilities.​

One of the questions being addressed is where Si2 can contribute in Generative AI/Large Language Models – the technology that powers ChatGPT. ​With that in mind, Si2 was a sponsor of the inaugural IEEE Workshop on LLM Aided Design (LAD) held on June 28-29, 2024, in Almaden CA. Si2’ VP of Technology, Dr. Leigh Anne Clevenger, moderated a panel on: “Generative AI for semiconductor from architecture to fab: A pipedream? Or ready for prime time?”, with panelists from Ansys, Drexel University, IBM, Intel, Nvidia, and Siemens EDA.​

The SIG also held productive discussions on how to provide a better platform for academia-industry collaboration across the AI/ML for EDA space. The EDA Schema from Drexel University and CircuitOps from Nvidia/Arizona State University were judged to be very good candidates for this purpose. The result was a decision to take the next step and fund the further development of both approaches as part of a new Si2 OpenStandards working group. ​

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