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Si2 Member Contributed Solutions

Member companies have contributed solutions which complement the offerings of Si2 standards, including OpenAccess (OA). These solutions, libraries, and utilities are provided under the indicated open source licenses. Being a member of the OpenAccess Coalition is required for use of OA, and gives you access to many production coalition-specific extensions which are not publicly available here.


Available through Cadence: Multi-Patterning, cdsLib, oaScan

OA Multi-Patterning Technology (Colors): OpenAccess extensions which enable physical design tools to represent Multi-Patterning Technology information.

cdsLib Plugin: The cdsLib plugin provides OpenAccess-based applications the ability to read and interpret Cadence cds.lib files. It is an alternative to the default oaLibDef plugin provided by OA to read lib.defs files.

OaScan: oaScan is an unlicensed application that scans the contents of a library and checks for inconsistencies in the OpenAccess design, tech, and DMData databases.

Available through Synopsys: OA Viewer

oaViewer is an oaTcl-based OpenAccess graphical visualization program. It can be used to visually inspect designs, and design changes, made from OpenAccess code.

oaViewer is available under the Common Public License v1.0 (CPL-1.0), which can be found at https://opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0

Available through Synopsys: PyCell Studio

PyCells Studio is an integrated development environment that makes PyCell development simple. PyCells go well with oaScript Python, and can be used to make OpenAccess PCells for Python applications. They use the OpenAccess database directly, for integration into application development.

Available through Synopsys: OA Compare

oaCompare provides a toolkit for analyzing and comparing objects in the block domain.The toolkit is implemented in oaTcl and has no additional dependencies.

oaCompare features:

  • Complete oaDesigns
  • All objects of given type(s) between designs
  • Specific lists of objects
  • Compares logical and physical objects in designs
  • Compares all objects of given type(s)
  • Compares lists of objects
  • Mismatch reports include “closest match” information
  • Comparison is graph-based and can be customized at runtime to ignore specific object attributes, relationships and properties. For example, “compare two designs ignoring the oaNet::netName attribute.” Successful comparison indicates logical isomorphism.

oaCompare is available under the Common Public License v1.0 (CPL-1.0), which can be found at https://opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0

Analog Symbol Library

The Analog Symbol Library is a collection of 66 schematic symbols of circuit primitives for analog design, represented as OA v2.2 databases. The primitives include capacitors, resistors, inductors, diodes, bipolar and MOS transistors, pads, transformers, varactors, fuses, and GND and VDD supplies. This set of symbols is used very widely in the analog design industry.

The Analog Symbol Library is available under the Apache-2.0 license, which can be found at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

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