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Member Portal

Links to Si2 Member Collaboration Portals

Membership in Si2 provides a unique collaboration opportunity to innovate on industry standards.

Si2 members collaborate on secure platforms for all Coalitions, Special Interest Groups and Working Groups.

Are you a member and need access? [Contact Us]

OpenAccess Member Causeway Portal

Supports the evolution of the extensible API that improves and extends implementation solutions for the world’s most widely used open reference design database.

Link: https://portal.si2.org

Not an OpenAccess member? [Join Si2]

Compact Model Coalition Member Causeway Portal

Industry and academic leaders who select, develop, and standardize SPICE simulation models in a way that assures accuracy with target applications.

Link: https://cmc.si2.org

Not a CMC member? [Join Si2]

Unified Power and Thermal Coalition Sharepoint Member Portal

Improves and extends solutions for the IEEE 2416 UPM standard in a way that delivers powerful, flexible modeling for IP and system-level design.

UPM Working Group

Unified Power and Thermal Coalition

Not a UPTC member? [Join Si2]

Si2Base Sharepoint Member Portal

When industry collaboration on emerging areas is needed, Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and OpenStandards Working Groups (OWGs) provide the forum and engineering support needed to move from ideas to validated solutions. By participating in SIGs and OWGs you gain and share new knowledge in topic areas not covered in other Si2 coalitions. The opportunity to collaborate in these groups and benefit from the results is included in the Si2 Base membership.




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