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About Si2

The Silicon Integration Initiative

An R&D Joint Venture

The Silicon Integration Initiative Inc. (Si2) was founded in 1988 as the CAD Framework Initiative (CFI). We are a not-for-profit, research and development joint venture funded by our member companies. CFI became Si2 in 1998. Our purpose is to:

“Provide collaborative technology and services which enable higher levels of semiconductor design integration leading to industry-accepted standards. It is the intent of this initiative to make any such standards, technology, and services available to all who are interested at a fair and reasonable cost.”

When industry collaboration is needed, the Si2 community provides the means to deliver more value to its members than they can achieve alone.

A Different Approach Creates Unique Value

Si2 provides a unique, collaborative environment and access to shared solutions for users and suppliers from corporations, institutions and academia. Si2 solutions are co-developed in a way that permits innovation while guaranteeing compatibility with trusted standards. Si2’s approach differs from most standards bodies in some important ways:

  1. Engineering resources help members co-develop solutions.
  2. Build on trusted solutions and adapt them with our members.
  3. Release complete reference implementations.
  4. Dues that scale with member revenue.

Member Led Governance and Dedicated Engineering

The business and affairs of Si2 are managed by the Board of Directors. Directors are elected by Si2 corporate members. The President is appointed by the Board and is the chief executive officer and general manager of Si2. A council of industry leaders (TITAN) looks ahead and provides advice to the Si2 Board.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs), OpenStandards Working Groups (OWGs) and Coalitions are established with approval of the Board. SIGs are where new topics are explored. OWGs are guided by a Technical Steering Group (TSG) and are where proposed solutions are prototyped and proven. Coalitions are managed by their own Board or officers and are where trusted solutions are continuously improved and extended. Si2 invests most member dues to hire experienced, full-time engineers and fund academic partners to facilitate, co-develop, and support solutions for Si2 members.