Si2 board members are industry executives and leaders from premier semiconductor design and manufacturing corporations worldwide. Elected by the Si2 membership each year, the board of directors provides strategic direction and oversight for Si2.
Pankaj Kukkal
Board Chair Executive Vice President
MCU/MPU Engineering
NXP Semiconductors
Si2 Executive Committee Chair
Dr. Keith Green
Board Secretary Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff
Analog Technology Development
Texas Instruments
Si2 Finance Committee
Lu Dai
Board Treasurer Senior Director of Technical Standards
Si2 Finance Committee Chair
John Lee
General Manager and Vice President
Electronics and Semiconductor Division
Si2 Executive Committee
Wilbur Luo
Vice President, Product Engineering, Custom IC,Custom Products Group
Cadence Design Systems
Si2 Executive Committee
James Culp
Corporate Fellow
Si2 Finance Committee
Manoj Selva
Vice President and General Manager
Product Enablement Solutions Group
Intel Corporation
Si2 Executive Committee
Roger Carpenter
Hardware Engineer
Si2 Executive Committee
Dr. Leon Stok
Vice President
Electronic Design Automation
Si2 Executive Committee
Dr. Jung Yun Choi
Corporate Vice President
Electronics Design Technology Team
Si2 Finance Committee
Juan C. Rey
Vice President
Government Programs
Siemens EDA
Si2 Executive Committee
Hong Sok Choi
Vice President
Computer-Aided Engineering Group
SK hynix